North American Association of Sales Engineers

3 Final Tips for Aspiring Sales Engineers 

Over the past week, NAASE has released 2 key tips for new/ aspiring SE’s.  One was regarding POC’s, and the other was essentially to fully understand and critique technical marketing literature.

To complete our exercise of offering 5 critical tips for new sales engineers, we offer the following:

  • Always Be Learning-  Keep up-to-date on the latest industry trends and updates, even if the specific information is not directly related to your product or service.
  • Be well-prepared for any meeting with a client or prospect; many potential deals have been lost because of a SE or an Account Executive being poorly informed stepping into a meeting.  Do your homework/ due diligence.
  • Be willing to admit at times that maybe your product/solutions is not the best fit for a prospect.  Be careful on how you approach this, and discuss this directly with the Account Executive prior to anyone stating anything of this sort to the client/ prospect.

There are many tips for successful sales engineers, but NAASE feels that limiting it to 5 is a good starting point for new or potential SE’s.

We wish you good luck in your new endeavors!

Written by NAASE Executive Staff

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