Association of Sales Engineers
Association of Sales Engineers
North American Association of Sales Engineers
First I would like to thank the North American Association of Sales Engineers (NAASE), for allowing me to serve as President and to be part of an organization that strives to help advance the careers of Sales Engineers and Technical Sellers across all industries. This organization was founded by long-time Sales Engineer and industry consultant, Ken Lambert. Ken saw a need to develop a professional trade association that not only connects, but also certifies Sales Engineers across various industries. This is still the primary focus that I intend to keep going along with Ken Lambert our VP, as well as our fantastic diverse advisory board members.
These past two years have come with many challenges, both professionally as well as in our personal lives. Considering we are still in a world where it is unknown if we will be able to connect with people face to face or virtually, it has become more important than ever to be part of professional organization to continue to build your professional network, increase your technical aptitude and soft skills, as well as knowledge of the Sales Engineering career. Throughout 2020 and 2021, the NAASE has received continued positive feedback from our individual members, as well as our corporate members. As we tend to provide as much knowledge across the industries as we can each week, our members have stated how thankful they have been for the Forum/Webinars we host and sponsor, to help them advance within their careers.
As we move into 2022 and beyond, NAASE will continue to develop and improve certifications that reflect our industry and that are beneficial to our members. Our members also have access to many discounts across our sponsors page, and we continually add more valuable benefits that our members can take advantage of. Additionally, we have recently introduced our Registered Sales Engineer Coach page, where professional coaches can be found after their application has been reviewed and approved as a Registered Coach. If you are looking for personal Sales Engineering/Technical Sales coaching, or would like coaching for your organization, this is the place to check out.
Finally, several opportunities will be available through 2022 to meet with not only NAASE members, but we routinely work with other industry organizations to broaden the opportunity for our members to network. NAASE has a wealth of knowledge across its members, leadership and advisory board, and when combined with the networking opportunities we provide monthly, this has helped create solid relationships which have already helped so many.
For our current and prospective members, I want to assure you that the NAASE Leadership intention, and that of the advisory board, is to continue to grow NAASE with a members-first approach. We will stay focused on remaining as a benefit to our members, while providing current and future looking educational forums and resources. I look forward to adding more value to NAASE as President, and invite each of you to stay involved and help others out with a recommendation to join NAASE.
Warm Regards,
Damian Hanna, CSE
President – NAASE