Association of Sales Engineers
Association of Sales Engineers
North American Association of Sales Engineers
Is it March already? Time seems to be flying by, and we have all had to deal with so much turmoil going on throughout the world. With all these unfortunate events, 2022 still seems to be holding strong by providing jobs and more opportunities for people to do what we love as well as engaging with others, who we may have not been able to see in a long time. In the professional world, we are also starting to see more and more in-person meetings, which seems to be re-energizing our industry and people’s Technical Sales career aspirations. NAASE is no different, as we have been more active and have seen more and more of our members engage with us, our partners, as well as other members throughout the association. Although NAASE has not started hosting in-person events just yet, we are determined to continue providing good use of everyone’s time during any of our online forums that our members and potential members attend.
Last December, I stated we would be adding additional member benefits as well as promoting our 2022 monthly forum events. In case you missed any of our announcements via our website https://sales-engineering.org or on LinkedIn, we have added more partners who are offering discounts to our members, as well as additional Registered SE Coaches for you to connect with for both individual as well as corporate SE coaching. On top of this, we welcomed Vivun as our newest Corporate Sponsor. Vivun maximizes PreSales teams’ ability to accelerate revenue, grow market share, and demonstrate value, all powered by Vivun’s AI engine acting on their unique PreSales data set. If your organization is interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor, please reach out to info@sales-engineering.org.
So far this year, NAASE has co-hosted a forum with Kamelian Tech & Peter Strohkorb which discussed competitive sales strategies related to Sales Engineering, as well as a walkthrough of Kamelian Tech’s tools to use with Sales, CI, and negotiation. Additionally, NAASE co-hosted another forum with Heidi Castagna and Marco Alves from NVIDIA, discussing the future of Technical Certifications as well as introducing NVIDIA’s newest AI certification. With that said, I also wanted to provide just a sneak peek at some of the upcoming “NAASE Member’s Only” forums we will be promoting soon. You will be seeing a forum regarding “Women in Tech and the advancement of women in the workplace” with Eva Helen. Can you say, “John Care”? Look out for an upcoming Members Only forum about Mastering Technical Sales. I also heard a rumor that Ramzi Marjaba will be making an appearance later this year on one of the NAASE forums. Make sure your membership is up-to-date or join if you have not done so yet. You do not want to miss these events and all the additional benefits that will continue to be added throughout 2022.
As a reminder, we have membership levels for Students, Individuals as well as Corporate memberships which can all be found at https://sales-engineering.orgjoin-naase-2/#membership-details-1. Additionally, if you have not applied for the NAASE Certified Sales Engineer (CSE) certification yet, what are you waiting for? The NAASE CSE certification identifies you as a dedicated professional and acknowledges your personal achievements, improves your level of practice, and highlights you as an industry leader. Check out the CSE requirements at https://sales-engineering.orgcse/.
Warm Regards,
Damian Hanna, CSE
President – NAASE