Association of Sales Engineers
Association of Sales Engineers
North American Association of Sales Engineers
How to cut down your sales cycle time in half, using augmented media messaging inside Documents instead of waiting for web conferences.
Are you feeling drained by endless web conferences and meetings? How much more sales could you achieve if you could cut your sales cycle time in half? And what would this extra time and money mean for you and your family, or this project of yours you are so eager to dust off?
The solution is ridiculously simple once we think about it. It’s messaging, but of an entirely new type, using augmented web.
So, what’s the point of messaging?
To continue the conversation without waiting for the other side to be available. That’s why voice messaging and whatsapp audio are so popular as they have debottlenecked phone calls.
Unfortunately, it works for sound only. So when it’s visual on Documents with tables, diagrams, images with numbering legends, sound only won’t work. It has to go through web conferences.
GraphCall LivePDF is a NEW two-way visual messaging inside documents using a new recording technology different than Video, leveraging 11 of the 13 new augmented web standards now powering 95% of all web browsers.
What whatsapp audio does to debottleneck phone calls, GraphCall LivePDF does it visually inside Documents to debottleneck webconferences.
Those who embrace the future always get ahead. Augmented web messaging for documents (brochures, quotes, manuals) is here.
Lead the way. Get scale and speed on your sales communication. Explain and discuss your documents at all times at all places, without waiting for web conferences, effortlessly with GraphCall LivePDF.
Check how fast and convenient it is HERE.
(Written by Geoffrey Fouvry)