North American Association of Sales Engineers

Game plans are not a game

by Dean de Jongh, CEO at Kamelian Tech

Why bother with strategy? You may have played the sales and key-account game over and over. We’re going through major shifts due to the Covid-19 pandemic so we need great strategies to survive and grow again.

Strategy brings remarkable change – just look at SpaceX and governments’ Coronavirus strategies.  Strategy is crafted and like all craft, it can be done well with discipline and the right tools. The principles of strategy apply to business as much as they do to politics and other spheres. Strategy should never be a once-a-year exercise which updates or produces a ‘sacred’ master plan. The world is live, continuous and in constant flux – Strategy needs to be dynamic, adaptive and relevant. Sales and key-account management in particular, have much to gain from well-crafted and up-to-date strategies.

Many organizations have great sales and negotiation strategies, and to their advantage, many others don’t. In both instances though, their strategies are often scattered about in presentations and documents. Alongside this, the underlying strategic analysis often lies dormant in slides or worksheets, or even worse, discarded flipchart pages from team breakaways or a person’s mind. Surely, strategic data should at least be treated with the same care and rigour as operational data? Data is the new oil after all and strategy steers operations.

Strategy Platforms in B2B Sales

Kamelian Tech has developed new practical tools for crafting sales strategies and negotiation strategies – both vital for growing and defending the key accounts and customer segments which carry businesses. Robust strategies can be built from the bottom up and easily updated to stay relevant. Precious strategic intelligence is captured and made accessible for future re-use. Decision intelligence is at your fingertips to inform pivots and pitches. Tactics are also garnered to contribute to an arsenal for future battles for clients and sales.

There’s a myriad of third-party strategy platforms out there but these are typically at an organizational level and they can be quite rigid. Our strategy tools are functionally oriented and are customized quickly and affordably. They can tap into your existing systems behind your firewall for extra analytical enrichment and added perspective, while keeping an eye on strategic alignment across the organization. Our purpose is to craft and customize strategy tools for you which will keep you in the game so that you can win and grow more sales and bigger client accounts.

B2B sales are probably going to get a lot harder for the foreseeable future. Purchasing teams are tasked with cutting and avoiding costs to stave off bankruptcies and customers are tightening their wallets. We built our sales-strategies tool to compliment the key elements which purchasing managers base their sourcing strategies on – to give you a better chance of closing sales and growing accounts. Negotiations will be highly contested in these trying economic conditions – preparation is vital for successful negotiations and our negotiation-strategies tool can assist you tremendously with this.

Times are changing and there’s no way we can stop it. Reach out to us and let’s craft strategy solutions for your team and organization to win sales, grow and defend your vital key accounts. NAASE members are eligible for a 2-for-1 deal on Kamelian Tech’s strategy tools.

For more information, please visit

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