North American Association of Sales Engineers

Tough Conversations in Technical Sales


There are plenty of tough conversations in technical sales & sales engineering.  The most successful professionals in these fields have learned how to navigate these potentially difficult discussions.  These scenarios are often with your client or prospect, but they can also be internal with your coworkers.

Sales engineers offer and sell COMPLEX and COMPLICATED systems/products/solutions; by its very nature it is pretty obvious that no deal and no client is a true “slam dunk”.  There likely will be some miscommunications and some other bumps along the road.

Over the (many) years I’ve learned a few tips, often via trial-and-error.  The following are some that may be especially helpful for those out there with less than 5-6 years of SE experience:

In most deals and relationships within B2B sales there will be a consistent risk of difficult conversations and scenarios.  A sales engineer has to learn how to get through them, how to learn from them, and how to just move on sometimes.  And remember that experience does matter; the way you might react or act at 26 will likely be different if you are 42.  It is all a journey.

This article was written by NAASE Vice-president Ken Lambert.

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