North American Association of Sales Engineers

Navigating Blurred Boundaries: A Guide for Sales Engineers

In today’s dynamic business environment, sales engineers face unique challenges. On one side, customer expectations are increasing in relation to salesperson knowledge, speed of response, breadth and depth of communication, digitalization, and customization of information and product and service offerings.

To establish and maintain strong and long-lasting relationships with clients, sales engineers must also deal with a greater number and variety of stakeholders within client organizations. Understanding clients’ influence dynamics and decision-making processes has become significantly more challenging.

On the other side, their own organizations have also changed, going through digitalization, restructuring, process improvements, and cost cutting. Traditional boundaries between corporate functions have also crumbled. Given the blurring of boundaries on both the selling and buying sides, more work needs to be done to navigate through complex sales processes.

Sales engineers need to become social scientists capable of analyzing clients’ buying processes across blurring boundaries in order to sell successfully in today’s business environment.

This article explores strategies for sales engineers to effectively navigate these blurred lines and maximize their impact in the evolving sales landscape.

As the lines between sales and marketing and other corporate functions blur, sales engineers must adopt a more comprehensive perspective:

The need for customized solutions places additional burdens on sales engineers in terms of information gathering, communication and coordination within both buyer and seller organizations. To meet these expectations, sales engineers must become adept at processing and managing complex information loads while balancing multiple responsibilities.

Customer demands are evolving rapidly, requiring sales engineers to:

Although the use of technology facilitates more rapid and frequent communication, it increases the demand on sales engineers to provide information and services needed by customers in real time. Moreover, organizational adoption of CRM and sales force automation (SFA) systems requires sales engineers to incorporate new technology and procedures into their already busy work routines without pausing from their primary selling responsibilities.

Technology plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between sales and marketing:

By serving as a “listening post”, sales engineers can help their organizations adapt more effectively to market changes and gain a competitive advantage.

Sales engineers are uniquely positioned to gather valuable market intelligence:

Closely related to the issues of increased need for knowledge, communication, and coordination, noted above, is the need to provide individualized solutions for each client.

As decision-making becomes more diffuse within client organizations, sales engineers must:


The blurring of boundaries between corporate functions presents both challenges and opportunities for sales engineers. By embracing a holistic approach, developing new skills, and leveraging technology, sales engineers can navigate this evolving landscape successfully. Those who adapt effectively will position themselves as invaluable assets in today’s dynamic business environment, bridging the gap between technical expertise and strategic business solutions. Buying and selling centers have existed for many years, and the notion of salespeople identifying key buying influences when selling to industrial accounts is not new. However, given the blurring of boundaries on both the selling and buying sides, more work needs to be done to advance in sales. Sales engineers must continually update their knowledge of customers and competitors, exacerbating the seemingly ever-increasing cognitive load they must carry. In order for sales engineers to meet the customer expectations, they must know more – faster.

Managerial Recommendations:

Regular assessments of your sales organization and your selling center will help you understand the training needs of your salesforce and identify performance improvement gaps of your selling center.

The deployment of assessment tools and checklists developed for the needs of your organization will help you to cope with the rapidly changing business environment.

For more information please contact:

Inna Hüessmanns, MBA

International Growth Solutions



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