North American Association of Sales Engineers

North American Association of Sales Engineers

European Association of Sales Engineers

Is B2B Purchasing Overly Cumbersome and Inefficient?

(By Ken Lambert) This topic, and lament, is nothing new- but it does appear that over the past several years things have gotten even more convoluted.  Everyone in B2B sales knows what I speak of:  The hurdles and delay involved with selling based on the “consensus buying decision” which is prevalent at most medium to large companies.

According to this 2017 article from , there are an average of 5.4 people actively involved in a company’s purchasing decision.  This number excludes indirect persons like Accounting, Legal, etc.

Whenever I have been giving a sales presentation/demo to a buying group at a potential client, I often calculate just how much it is costing said company to have all these people in the room for that hour or 2 hours, etc.  Let’s do a quick math exercise, even though the actual numbers of course will vary.

Assume 5 people will determine the purchase, and you must meet with them a total of 4 hours, over the course of 2-3 meetings.  5 x 4 = 20 hours.  Let’s assume the average person in that meeting is making $65/hour (obviously some make less and some make considerably more).   Add 30% burden on top of that wage rate; that would equal $84.50 per hour per person.  The company may spend the 20 hours in a meeting with the service/product provider, but then internally they will need to discuss and review and try to arrive at a “consensus”.  So let’s throw on another 8 hours; that then equals 28 hours x $84.50 which totals $2,366.  But, this assumes that they only met with you.  Of course that is not the case- they likely met with 1 or 2 other vendors.  So we can add another 40 hours of meeting time.  Now we are at 68 hours x $84.50/ hour = $5,746.   This is the raw cost in this example; we are not talking about the fact that these 5 employees are not doing their main jobs and tasks during this whole purchasing endeavor.

I do realize that $5,700 is not an enormous amount of money, but I wonder if companies that are early on in thinking about a new product or service consider the needed money and TIME they will have to spend just to make a decision- never mind the implementation.   Do some firms just say “Nah, just forget it; we are fine” because the popular “consensus” buying decision is needed or promoted?

I have 2 general issues with this current status.

One is the theory that a company needs to reach a consensus to make a purchase.  Do we think that is a true consensus?  If 5 or 6 people need to fully agree on Brand A vs Brand B or C, do we really think that these 5-6 folks are on the same page and like /need the same Brand? 

Life, and business, has taught me that if you get a room full of people together and bring up a topic, you cannot get the 6 people to actually agree on anything that is debatable.  Pick any 6 people off the street and lock them in a room and tell them they have to completely agree that chocolate ice-cream is better than vanilla ice-cream.  It likely will get ugly, and I doubt if there will be a unanimous verdict.  People may SAY that they agree, but it may be just to get out of the meeting and to move on with their day and their to-do list.

The other question I have is:  Why can’t a VP or a Department Manager (etc) just make a decision and buy or contract Vendor A, vs. Vendor B?  It just seems that there is a pervasive phobia of making a decision.   We assume that the Departmental VP who makes $180k (??) per year is competent, and he/she knows his staff and knows the issues.  Why does he/she need a team to make a decision?  I understand that at many companies that is the protocol and the rule- but why?

Along with technical sales, I spent over 12 years working as a project manager.  The precise industry is irrelevant, but any PM knows that most of the job is: making decisions.   Every single day I, myself, made many decisions which directly effected the project and effected the fiscal (and other) success of my company.   The President of the company hired me to use my discretion and knowledge, and general business sense, and make decisions.  I’d estimate that 90% of the decisions I made on a weekly basis were fully my own; I did not clear them with anyone else- and I did not reach any consensus.  One key reason was there was no time to attempt to reach consensus.  But more than that, the C-suite trusted me to use my judgment.  Sometimes I made a bad decision- that happens in business (and life).

To the larger firms out there- is there any desire or internal push to make buying decisions less complicated and less focused on team consensus?  And similarly, is there a such thing as “analysis paralysis”? 

This article is merely pointing out some general business observations, and is the work and opinion of Ken Lambert.  This is not the formal stance of the Association.

How Many Software Firms can the Economy Support?

In my daily and weekly perusal around the internet in general, and especially on LinkedIn, I am amazed at just how many software companies exist.  Some are US-based, but of course many are not.  We are in a global marketplace and generally a software developed and sold out of India, or Belarus etc, can function just fine within the US for a US company.

Right now, depending on who you believe, there are between 600,000 – 700,000 software companies in the world!  Some experts believe by 2027 there will be a cool million.  Right now, in 2021, how many of these 650,000 (??) are profitable?  That is a tough question to answer.

It is often said and estimated that, within 5 years, 90% of start-ups will fail and go defunct.  Clearly if they are not profitable, they are going out of business.  Do we extrapolate that and assume that only 10% of the 650,000 software firms are profitable on a regular basis?  Perhaps.  If so, there would be roughly 65,000 active and at least borderline successful software companies in the world today.  But more and more come online every day.

What can a healthy and robust economy support exactly?  If there are 65,000 today- can the world economy support 90,000 software outfits?

I’ll make a comparison to an industry that is very different from software, for whatever that might be worth.  Let’s take a quick look at the auto manufacturing industry.

There are 30 auto manufacturers within the USA; worldwide the total amount is 62.  Sixty two brands in the world, to service 7.8 billion people.

It appears that with these 62 companies there is enough competition, and variety, to adequately service everyone’s needs in regards to cars and trucks.

Of course making autos and developing software are 2 different worlds, in many aspects.  The barrier to entry for a new auto manufacturer would be enormous, and that is why we rarely see them.  Conversely, to create and then sell (online) a new software program is relatively “easy” and cheap- in many cases.  Overheard is fairly minimal, and as such it does not take a crazy amount of sales to turn a profit for some of these small software companies.

Software marketers naturally point to widespread digital transformation, and also more likely software use in developing nations/ economies.  Once you start looking around, there really is a software program for nearly every conceivable business and purpose.  So maybe the optimism is warranted.

In conclusion, there is no true conclusion.  Start-ups in software will continue unless and until it doesn’t make fiscal sense to do so.  But I do wonder where we are on that industry growth curve.

What is Reverse Marketing?

(the following article is courtesy of Above The Standard)
Reverse marketing is a form of marketing that utilizes people who are trying to sell and/or
market their product and/or service to you.
Best Results with Reverse Marketing?

  1. Lead with Questions.
  2. Get permission from the person (permission marketing).
    Three Things SHALL Happen (from the person who is contacting you)
    • Not be interested.
    • Hear more about you, what you offer, and your company.
    • Build a long-term client and networking relationship.
    When Someone Calls or Meets with You …
  3. Person starts talking to you.
  4. Hear what the person is offering from their business.
  5. There might be a benefit to work together with leads in your business – your local
    insurance agent, local banker, local CPA, Lender, Business Planner, Venture Capitalist,
  6. If there is not a benefit to both parties (you and them), let them know about what you
    are doing.
  7. Tell me about your business (Let them talk).
  8. Build a rapport and relationship on the phone and/or in person.
  9. Ask Questions. How is your company? How long has the company been around? How
    long have you been involved? What is your name, email, phone, and company?
  10. Find out where they are at with their commitment to their business.
    You Never KNOW Who Knows Who
    It is about listening and valuing each person, as well as letting each person know what you do.
    You want business relationships that are give and take, not just one sided.

“High-Pressure” Sales Tactics – For Better or Worse

Throughout my career I have attended several generic sales trainings- which often could be deemed “high-pressure” sales tactics.  Most were a long time ago, and they crossed industry boundaries.

For a short time I also was the sales and telemarketing manager for a small company, with a small team of telemarketers under my supervision.  Think “dial for dollars”!

I realize that some sales engineers have not had similar experiences or trainings- especially those who began their career in the technical/ engineering/ software development realms.  These folks typically have the technical aspects of their job and company down pat- but the sales portion can be a bit more of a struggle.

Due to that fact, I offer the following main takeaways from the few sales trainings that I have attended.  I, as well as NAASE, am not endorsing any of these tactics.  Some are not typically done in a B2B environment, but there are some benefits to some points listed.   These can also be viewed as to why many people dislike “salespeople”- which on its own can be good to know as a sales engineer.  Without further ado, in no particular order:

  • Confront, and overcome, each buyer objection (typically, as they come).  This is essentially part of “don’t take No for an answer”.  Basically, persuade the buyer that their answer or objection/perception is wrong.  Whatever they say, turn it around on them and try to prove that there really is no obstacle in buying from you.
  • Price:  Everyone, almost always, will say that the price is too high.  For many people, it doesn’t matter what figure you quote, it will be “too high” according to the prospect.  Soon enough a salesperson will not even hear the prospect when/if the prospect claims that the price is too high.  Maybe that is part of the point of the sales trainers.
  • Rejection is the name of the game; get used to it.  Don’t take it personally.  In many product or service sales operations, it is a numbers game.  In my telemarketing manager role, I would hand out lists of companies and people to contact with phone numbers and titles etc.  People would just make tons of cold calls, and usually get ignored, hung up on, yelled at, or in a slightly more polite outcome- pleasantly rejected.   And yes, I also had to make many of these telemarketing calls myself.  That was a tough job- I respect people that actually do this every day or week.
  • Don’t be afraid of silence, during a sales presentation or conversation/ negotiation.  Awkward silence can actually be good; it’s a poker game.  See what the prospect says- wait to hear them.
  • Make sure you are meeting with the decision-makers.   Back when I did home improvement sales we would always make a point to set the sales appointment with all relevant decision-makers (typically husband and wife, etc.).  If I got there to the home and 1 of them was absent, it essentially was a lost cause.  Our “closing rate” would go down about 50%.  In almost all cases, the outcome of the sales “pitch” was- “I don’t know yet; I’ll have to talk it over with my wife,”.  And there was no way to really overcome that hurdle in the moment.

Most of what is noted herein is not relevant in today’s consultative B2B sales world.  However, some good advice can still be gleaned from it.  Sales engineers are professionals, and they are technical in nature, but don’t ever forget that the word “sales” is right there in the title.

When confidence feels elusive

by Misha Bartlett

When you are stepping into a new leadership role or taking on new challenges, you may start to doubt your capabilities or feel your confidence wane.

There are several dimensions to confidence. There are also several myths about how to become more confident. Fortunately, there is a lot of research to point us in a direction more likely to build confidence. 

Confident people are able to quickly learn from and move past failures. They lean into mastery rather than perfectionism, and to foster a positive self-concept of their capabilities even when challenged.

The truth is that you are entirely in charge of how you feel, including whether you feel confident. Once you understand that your feelings are in your control, you’re starting to understand how to build up your confidence. 

Confidence is not something you are born with – it’s something you have to create for yourself.  Sometimes daily. Building your confidence fosters feelings of certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. It is like any other emotion, and you can train yourself to access it. 

Step 1 to building confidence: Know why you want to achieve it.

Once you figure out your purpose, or your Why as Simon Sinek calls it, learning how to build confidence becomes a matter of retraining how you think. To achieve your goals, you have to embody a confident person. There may still be uncertainty that wants to hold you back. Staying connected to your Why will help you to push past hesitation, doubt, and fear.

Step 2 to building confidence: Uncover the beliefs that are causing self-doubt. 

By confronting your limiting beliefs and shifting how you think, learning how to gain confidence will start to come naturally. If you find yourself focusing on negative, limiting beliefs when it’s time to be confident, stop yourself. Think of something positive about yourself instead and begin focusing on all the reasons you’ll succeed instead of why you’ll fail.

Step 3 to building confidence: Think about something you’re proud of.

When you’re feeling unsure of yourself, think about a recent accomplishment that you’re really proud of.

Your mind will begin to think in positive terms, not negative ones. Learn how to retrain your mind to start thinking more positively, and you’ll start feeling more self-assured as a result. You don’t need to wear rose-colored glasses – it’s more about having a realistic idea of your skills. When you focus on positive self-talk, you’re able to look at setbacks as simply stepping stones to success. 

The research tells us that whatever you put your attention on grows, so consider how you can focus your thinking on:

  • Your values
  • Your strengths
  • Your wins
  • Your learning
  • Envisioning successes
  • Thinking of yourself as capable

How to create a Super Hero style LinkedIn Profile

Do I Need a LinkedIn Profile? | TopResume

By David Alto

When creating your LinkedIn profile, it can be unclear what to include, or what to avoid.

I want to ensure that you expand on your personal brand, because let’s face it…this is what your LinkedIn profile is.

If you’re looking to secure a new job, here is what you’ll want to work on first.

Update your Headline

I like to tell my clients your Headline is like the world’s shortest elevator pitch. Please do not put the name of the company you work for here. This is your personal brand. So, let’s say you’re a Project Manager with Amazon…. you could write the following: “Project Manager | Servant Leader | Virtual Trainer | Operations Management” or “Project Manager leveraging across functional relationships to deliver on time projects.

I would suggest searching others on LinkedIn doing what you do and see how they approach it.                                                


Search Engine Optimization is alive and well and lives in your Headline. This is why it is important to include keywords/skills in your Headline. My clients end up showing up in more recruiter searches because we did some SEO on their Headline.

About section is your opportunity

Recruiters and hiring managers go to your LinkedIn profile to learn more about you. In this section think about writing it as if you are having coffee with a new colleague at a coffee shop. What would you tell them “About” yourself? It’s perfectly OK to write in first person in this section. Tell the world what it is you have done, what you’re doing now, and why you do it. Give people a reason to reach out to you.

Featured section is great to showcase your…

By adding a Featured section, you will now be able to showcase that Project, Presentation, Video/Interview, a mention in an Article, a mention in your Company website, Publication, Award, Certificate, etc.

The Featured is the perfect place to validate those accomplishments, achievements and metrics you have on your resume.

You can also put these same accomplishments and attach them into your work experience section as well.

But if you only have a few (2-4) of these I would highly suggest that you put them in the Featured section because this section is closer to the top of your LinkedIn profile and they show up in a larger format drawing attention to them.

Because the average LinkedIn user does not take advantage of this feature, when others see items in that Featured section they stop and take notice.

Let’s recap

Recruiters visit your profile because:

1)   They searched for people doing what you do and found you


2)   They have your resume and want to visit your LinkedIn profile in order to learn more about you.

This is why you want and need a Super Hero LinkedIn profile.

  • Showcase your talents, accomplishments, and metrics…
  • Have that Hiring Manager or Recruiter feel confident in reaching out to you because you have what they need it its clear because of the improvements you made to your profile.

When deciding what to include on your LinkedIn profile, it’s important to consider many factors. Ensuring optimal formatting, highlighting information that will support your experience and expertise and tailoring your profile to the specific industry are all crucial elements to a LinkedIn profile that will get you noticed.

Checklist for Creating a Close Rate Boosting Sales Presentation

By Chris Davidson

Managing Director, Active Presence Limited

1The presentation serves one, clear objective
2The presenter has memorised an engaging opening (of approx. 90s)
3The content is summarised early on
4The main content is presented in easily digestible chunks
5Selected stories fit well with the audience’s prior knowledge
6The presentation has a clear call to action
7The presenter has memorised the call to action
8There are no bullet-point lists
(other than in handouts or presenter’s notes)
9The visual display is a continuous experience for the audience (and not obviously chopped up into separate slides with clunky transitions)
10What the presenter says is integrated with what the audience sees
11Animations are integrated with the presenter’s message
12The presenter can deliver fluently, in sync with the slides (and knows all the click-points, transitions, etc)
13Key messages are identified and repeated during the presentation
14There are multiple opportunities for the audience to ask questions (Necessary for sales presentations, inappropriate for large stage conferences)
15There is a clear place for final questions to be addressed (prior to the call to action being delivered)
16Corporate branding is kept to an absolute minimum
(Ideal: logo at the start/end, with central slides devoid of any branding)
17Images are high quality and full screen, with minimal wording
18Capability Statement
Client testimonials are included, one per slide (and large enough to be easily read by people at the back of the room)
19Slides are not numbered
20A separate handout has been prepared (if required) (Slides are not to be handed over to clients)

Why Join NAASE?


Over the past few months, some individuals as well as some corporations have asked us “why should I/we join NAASE as a member?”  This is a key question, even with the inexpensive dues associated with NAASE.  Please consider the following during your decision process:

  • Doing your part in growing the ONLY cross-industry sales engineering professional association in North America.  Be proud, and promote, the SE field and career!  Include our Logo in your signature, etc.
  • Networking with other like-minded, professional technical salespeople from a wide variety of fields/ industries- across the USA, Canada, Mexico…. and more.
  • Ability to have your work/writing published on the NAASE Blog page and the NAASE LinkedIn page.  A recent LI post that we published 4 days ago now has over 1,600 views/reads- for example.   Showcase your knowledge and abilities.
  • If you are seeking employment, we are able to broadcast/post your profile and resume/qualifications to our audience and other members.
  • If you are trying to fill a position at your company, we can post said position on our LinkedIn page. (Restrictions may apply.)
  • As a member in good standing of NAASE, you are eligible (if you qualify) to receive a certificate and become a “Certified Sales Engineer”/ CSE.  This is an excellent professional designation which helps to set you apart from other SE’s in the market.
  • NAASE is an affiliate partner of Above The Standard (ATS) business consultancy group.  ATS offers many benefits regarding business development, sales automation, cost cutting, and other business tools and research.  Inquire for more details.
  • Invitations to our exclusive, interactive “Industry Insider” forums/ conference calls- with industry experts.  These regularly-scheduled ZOOM events focus on various topics essential to the technical sales pro.

If you have any further questions, thoughts, or suggestions, please reach out to us via below.  Thank you.


Ken Lambert, President

Matt Mahoney, Vice President

The Business of Sales and Marketing Isn’t What It Used to Be

By Ken Lambert President, North American Association of Sales Engineers

Article featured in USA Today

A trend that has been building for a few years seems to be accelerating due to the COVID-19 disruption to the economy in 2020. As face-to-face business meetings and prospecting has dwindled to essentially nothing for months, marketing and business development cannot take time off. Artificial and augmented intelligence (AI) is making quick inroads within sales across many sectors.

We are past the proof of concept stage and there are many niche firms and software that are taking advantage of the market disruption. A quick Google search for “sales artificial intelligence” turned up 149 million results. 

As a simple example, auto-responders are a type of AI.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple have created computers that can essentially “think” for us given certain inputs and parameters.  Who wouldn’t want to have a qualified virtual assistant at our side?

Mining “big data” is another offshoot of AI.  We often hear about big data, and the computers, algorithms, and programmers analyzing said data. Just think of the simple filter tools which leads-focused companies employ on their “opportunities” pages.  With some forethought, the user or subscriber can change some criteria and allow the program to sift through hundreds or thousands of prospects or projects and come back with the best ones for the user to chase and spend costly time upon.  With a little thought, “big” data can be used productively within the prospecting community.

Artificial intelligence, and its cousin automation, is everywhere within the sales cycle if you are looking for it.  As another example, consider the B2B world of LinkedIn.  There is an entire cottage industry associated with automated business development exclusively within LinkedIn accounts.

There are dozens of tech companies out there now who are essentially providing a download or plug-in service where they are providing one or more of the following services: Sending invitations to connect with typically second level connections; following second and third level connections; sending canned private messages to new connections; forwarding incoming messages to email; endorsing first connections for one to three skills listed on their profile.

Do they actually work?

These LinkedIn plug-ins are not the end-all, be-all.  But they are an option and can prove very effective in growing your network and increasing one-to-one conversations.   

Many of the available programs guide, in real time, proper responses in a sales conversation with a prospect. The AI software looks for patterns and specific word choices, and possibly even voice recognition and pauses or other verbal cues to better predict the sales outcome. The software then shares this with the salesperson.  This helps with the potential sale that very minute, but also over time. It is a means of integrated sales training whereby the employee will rely less upon the software as the days continue. In essence, the person will become a better salesperson. That will increase revenues, but also should increase compensation for the employee.

Tools and software are constantly being tweaked and improved based on real-time responses and business improvements.  Artificial intelligence is all about working smarter, not harder.

Link to Original Article Here:

Interview with Ludovic Tendron about Negotiating.

NAASE sat down with Ludovic Tendron, author of The Master Key: Unlock Your Influence & Success in Negotiations and founder of his consulting firm Ludovic, to interview him about the art of negotiating. The interview is below. You can purchase at Barnes and Noble or from Amazon here.

  1. In a typical scenario, we (the seller/ product or service provider) have a given price of $100,000.  The buyer/prospect has said that their budget (??) is $80,000.  Both sides appear to want to work together on the project/offering.  From the seller side, how do we avoid just doing the typical “split the difference” tactic of price negotiation- which in this case would be a 2nd offer of $90,000?  In many cases, that price reduction will drastically effect our compensation/commission on the deal.

Assuming that the product or service is competitive and adds value to buyers. I would consider the following action plan:

First, I would have prepared well to address this type of issue. By preparation, I mean anticipating rather than reacting, building rapport, mapping the terrain, collecting information, identifying leverage, having negative emotions under control (including despair which can sometimes infect salespeople).   Many people limit negotiation to a verbal game and persuasion. This is a mistake. Gaining trust is key. Some people pitch a sale without making this effort. I like this quote from Zig Ziglar: “If people like you, they will listen to you, if they trust you, they will do business with you”. With trust, the counter-part can go the extra mile more easily.

I would then use empathic intelligence to solve this issue. Most of us like to think we are great listeners and fabulous empathizers. Rather we don’t listen enough and we often don’t ask the right questions. The seller should put himself in the shoes of the buyer and try to understand where their resistance is coming from. Very often, people resist because they see a risk for themselves or the corporation they represent. Your role as a seller is to clear the risk from the table of negotiation.

To transcend rejection and overcome obstacles, the seller must engage their creativity and generate ideas. Creative negotiators can best generate solutions when they are not singularly focused on their own needs and instead looking at mutually beneficial outcomes. Can comfort be provided to the buyer another way? What about terms of payment, free service or product, easy contract exit, etc.

The seller should also have a long-term approach and take a step back. Is the effort they are about to make worthwhile? Is it going to bring more opportunities and business in the future? Will making more money now prevent them from building worthwhile relationships? Rational people play the long-term game. Irrational people try to make quick money and let themselves be controlled by their emotions.

Finally, the seller has to avoid putting the buyer on the defensive making them feel they are not deciding for themselves, or that you know better than they do. Such attitude naturally raises defenses. People like to have a high opinion of themselves.

2. When and how and why should we be fully honest and transparent with a prospect/ client?  Where does honesty come into play with negotiation?

It is a dilemma for all negotiators.  

We have an ability to cooperate, but also to manipulate without using force. In human nature, the ability to manipulate developed after the use of language in order to compete for resources and mates without fighting. We are still wired the same way. Deception is in human nature.

We lie (sometimes without noticing it) on average one or two times a day and negotiation is not an exception. We do it most of the time by omission (e.g. hiding a piece of information). We find all kinds of excuses to justify it: “I didn’t know it was important”, “I don’t know this person enough”, etc. We try to keep a self-image of someone reasonable and respectable.

The lure of power, money, and benefits, as well as conflicts of interest, the need to protect our interests, lead us to lie.

At the same time, we cannot be an open book. If we had to tell everyone the complete truth all the time, we could hurt people or get hurt (imagine telling a counter-part they are not really smart). We have to be strategic about the information we disclose.

I personally think that there will always be a conflict in us at some point between protecting our interests and being 100% honest. Having said that, integrity pays off better.  As Francois de Caillieres, French diplomat said “what you obtain through deception rests on unsecure foundations. A lie will always leave a drop of poison behind”.

3. What key phrases are said by a client/prospect which all but proves that they have no intention of doing business with you?

Cues are not so much to find in words but in the person’s attitude and body language. People tend to hide behind words although they can occasionally be betrayed by some of them (what we call lapsus).

It is easier to fake it with words than with your body. It’s impossible to be conscious of all that our body is doing. That’s where the main key is in my opinion.

It is important to analyze a cluster of gestures and not one specifically, spot incongruences with the words spoken, and take the context into consideration.

Signs of rejections could be expressed with crossed arms (or legs), rolling eyes, lack of eye contact (shifty eyes), sighing, lip licking, head shaking, etc.

If you had to find cues in words, you would think that negative words or expressions would reveal rejection. However, research tell us that half of the words we produce are negative (whereas 30% are positive and 20% are neutral). I would suggest to focus more on positive words or expressions such as “yes”, “great”, “totally agree”, “absolutely” or “right” and their repetition.

4. How important is it to be willing and ready to literally walk away from the negotiating table/meeting?  When should that be done?  After doing so, what % of deals will still happen?

I never completely walk away from the negotiation table. I always leave the door open but I also clearly communicate my boundaries. I always play the long-term game. Circumstances can change. A counter-part may have overlooked something. A negotiator can be replaced. One may be able to improve a proposal, etc. I am a big believer in the fact that the frame in which you make an offer carries equal or greater weight than the offer itself.

Having boundaries means that you are prepared to make concessions up to a certain point and face the consequences of a no deal if these boundaries are crossed (or likely to be crossed). It means that beyond this point you are better off without a deal. You should try to set your boundaries ahead of negotiation. Negotiators often underestimate this aspect of preparation to negotiation.

It is difficult to come up with a percentage of deals still happening after breakdown of talks, but we can safely say that tactful, creative and patient negotiators are often the best achievers.

5. In an environment where there are typically 4+ decision makers, do we need to negotiate with each of the 4+ people with a say in the decision, or is it only crucial to negotiate with the highest ranking person on their team?

You don’t need to negotiate with all of them but you need to respect all of them (including listening to them when they are given a chance to talk).

Each group dynamic is different, and, when possible, it’s helpful to determine how tasks are divided, who makes the decisions, which members are most influential, and what rivalries might exist or arise. If you develop an eye for group dynamics, you may be able to influence some members of a group to serve your interests. Having a decision maker does not mean that they won’t be influenced by others. Some decision makers are incapable of making decisions alone

How Self-Limiting Obstructive Beliefs (SLOBs) Sabotage the Sales Cycle

By the Venator Sales Group

6 Simple Tips That Will Help You With Building Your Self Belief

“The economy is hurting us”

“Our solutions are too expensive”

“We need better marketing, website, social media and brochures”

“Our competition has better features and benefits than us”

Sound familiar?  

When salespeople are struggling, they have a litany of excuses for their troubles. While some of these reasons might be valid, there is usually something deeper going on: that person isn’t self-actualizing as a salesperson and therefore, not doing what is necessary to find new opportunities and close new business.  At Venator, we use an acronym called SLOBS (self-limiting obstructive beliefs) to describe this situation.

Some examples of SLOBS include:

  • Cold calling no longer works.
  • I must send a quote as soon as my prospect asks for one. 
  • My prospect will get offended if I ask about competition and budget or ask too many questions. 
  • I must discount in order to get the business.
  • Questioning my key contact’s budget authority or influence will hurt the relationship.
  • Any type of conflict with a prospect will destroy the relationship.
  • I must bring a subject matter expert on a first call to earn credibility.

These are just a few sample beliefs that salespeople collect throughout their career regarding what they can and cannot do.  Besides limiting the ability to hit quota numbers, these SLOBS severely reduce the effectiveness of any and all sales training.  Regardless of how good the process or training technique is, if self-limiting beliefs go unaddressed, they will cripple a salesperson’s ability to execute.

So how do we overcome SLOBS?

Step 1Identify the SLOBS

Since SLOBS are programmed so deeply within our subconscious, how can we identify them? After all, we may not even be aware they exist in the first place. A great way to litmus-test these SLOBS is for a salesperson to ask themselves the following questions:

  • If the opposite were true would it be to your advantage? 
  • Do you find yourself emotionally defending the belief despite contradicting experiential evidence? 
  • Do you quickly dismiss other people’s offering of proof that contradicts the belief? 
  • Would questioning the belief require action that is uncomfortable? 

Step 2: Question the SLOBS

Nobel Prize winner Arno Penzias (American radio astronomer that co-discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation) used a type of questioning technique which he called “Jugular Questions.”  Each morning he would wake up and ask himself these questions:

  • Why do I strongly believe what I believe?”
  • What am I inclined to believe?
  • What if I didn’t believe it?”

We can leverage these “Jugular Questions” to get to the root of our SLOBS and move on to the next step which is challenging them.

Step 3Develop the will to challenge your SLOBS

Rather than looking to validate SLOBS, seek experiences that contradict them. Some examples include:

  • Prospects who keep answering qualifying questions.
  • Key stakeholders that are willing to give you information or access to their manager.
  • You or a colleague closing a large opportunity that came from a cold call.
  • A prospect who shares information about budget and competition and a deal closing without having to discount.

All these scenarios go against our deeply held SLOBS and if we take a different perspective, we can see them clearly and ultimately challenge them.

In sales, the right mindset is crucial. If a salesperson is holding on to SLOBS, they will likely sabotage most deals and potentially an entire sales career.  SLOBS are only as strong as the references that support them and these references influence our perspective on reality.  Effectively addressing and correcting these beliefs is critical to sales success.

To quote Nathaniel Branden (psychotherapist and writer known for his work in the psychology of self-esteem), “One of the hardest expressions of self-assertiveness is challenging your limiting beliefs.” Are you willing to take that challenge?

How Sales Engineer Compensation Stacks Up to the Rest

Disrupting the Customer Success Compensation Model | Compensation to  Customer Success | Strikedeck

by Ken Lambert

Of course at the North American Association for Sales Engineers we are biased- but we think that being a sales engineer is one of the best professional career choices out there.  And we are not alone in that thinking.  See the following portion of a Glassdoor article, regarding the 7 highest paying jobs in Sales:

(Hint: #1 on their list is sales engineer.)

Sales engineer

Glassdoor salary range: $68,000-$185,000 (incl. bonuses and commissions)

This gig ranks among Glassdoor’s Top 20 Jobs with the Highest Satisfaction and pays a median annual wage of $101,420, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those operating in the telecommunications industry tend to earn the most, about $118,000 as year, followed by sales engineers in computer systems design and wholesale electronic markets.

Because these workers must have extensive knowledge of a product’s parts and functions as well as understand the scientific processes behind its operation, they typically need a bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related field. Though, those with extensive sales experience and some technical training, may also land a sales engineer role. “Because these pros are highly credentialed, theirs are among the sales jobs that make the most money,” according to Glassdoor.

Money is not everything in a job, or in life.  However it is still an important factor.  It has long been known that the best salespeople do make a considerable amount of money- even with something non-technical.  But on average, the SE (or technical sales rep) has a median compensation of over $101,000 – while the median “run-of-the-mill” salesperson has an average pay of $41,000 (this includes retail, etc.)

Stepping aside from “sales” and comparing a SE across other professions is interesting.  Per Glassdoor, it ranks in the Top 20 regarding highest satisfaction.  All this while typically not needing an advanced college degree.  Most of the other top paying professions do require a Masters or Doctorate level education.

And, as NAASE has noted prior, sales engineers rank #3 in the list of the least likely high-paying jobs which will be impacted by automation and/or artificial intelligence.  Moving forward, this is also extremely important.

It is not for everyone, it’s not necessarily easy, and there are some tough days for sure, but we are here to say that the sales engineer is certainly one of the best jobs available.  And now, whether you are in software, or industrial, or HVAC etc- there is a growing professional association to join and network within.